Planning Meeting


On March 2–3, 2015, a Planning Meeting was held at the University of Chicago Gleacher Center with 100 university and industry participants.

More than 40 prospective industry members from 28 companies attended along with multidisciplinary research teams from Illinois, Mayo, and the University of Chicago, creating a discussion forum to ensure that the new Center’s research portfolio aligns with the needs of industry. The research teams presented proposed computational biotechnology, agritech, and genomic medicine research projects, soliciting industry feedback for level of interest and industrial relevancy. See the Planning Meeting Booklet for further information.

A follow-up meeting was held on June 8, 2015, at the University of Chicago. The interactive format of this meeting gave interested industry members an excellent opportunity to provide feedback and engage in direct discussions with researches from Illinois, Mayo, and the University of Chicago about the envisioned Center projects. See the Agenda of this meeting.