Zbigniew T Kalbarczyk

Title Research Professor
Department Coordinated Science Laboratory

Currently, I am a Research Professor at the Coordinated Science Laboratory of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I have more than 30-years of experience in the area of design and validation of reliable and secure computing systems. My current work explores emerging technologies, such as resource virtualization to provide redundancy and assure system resiliency to accidental errors and malicious attacks. My research also involves analysis of data on failures and security attacks in large computing systems, and development of techniques for automated validation and benchmarking of dependable and secure computing systems using formal (e.g., model checking) and experimental methods (e.g., fault/attack injection). I have consulted with and advised industry and government agencies, including major computing vendors such as IBM, Motorola, and SUN, Huawei and Infosys Technologies and agencies, e.g., DARPA, NSF, and JPL-NASA. I am the co-founder of Armored Computing Inc., an Illinois company that develops: (i) software-only solutions for providing high availability and security monitoring, and (ii) tools for benchmarking of highly available and secure computing systems and applications.

Email kalbarcz@nospam672c60e83cc26.illinois.edu